Revealing Abba in Psalm 9
My heart’s desire is to do Your will O Abba, revealing Your heart and declaring all Your marvelous works;

I am delighted and find great joy in You: singing psalms of praise that declare Your name Abba, for Yours is the most High;

When My enemy, death is destroyed, all the ways that brought affliction will fall and melt away at Your presence;

For You have declared Your justice for all men in Me; by raising Me up Immortal; My testimony declares Your justice to defend them from death and give them the same glory and immortality they see in Me;

You Abba; abhor the way that animates men to labor and toil and never find rest in Your life. You will destroy the way that brings them death and give them Your life as a gift; You will cast away death forever;
You, Abba will utterly destroy Your enemy death, bringing all that seeks to injure man to an end; it will perish, and there will not even be a remembrance of it;

But You O Abba and Your life will endure forever: The very same life You have prepared for Me, reveals Your justice to clothe all Your beloved with Your life and immortality;

And You, O Abba have proclaimed Your judgment to the world in Me by defending all people from death and that which seeks to destroy them, ministering justice to Your innocent children;

Abba You are the deliverer of all that are oppressed by death, You are their rescuer in times of trouble;

I will make known Your name as Abba and My testimony will reveal Your heart, that You will always only ever be good to them and never leave or forsake them; persuading them to trust in You Abba;

In psalms, I will speak of Your everlasting kindness Abba, and how that everlasting kindness that dwells in You has come in Me to declare You as Abba to all people;

When You take vengeance against death, You will remember Your beloved and never forgetting the cry of those who are trusting You to clothe them with Your life;
You influence My heart O Abba that You will clothe Me with Your life; when You see Me in distress, circled around by death, I place My trust in You to rescue My life, and save Me from death and corruption;

That I may provide true testimony of Your loving-kindness to clothe all people with Your life; so that they may behold and rejoice in the certainty that You will also save them from death and clothe them with Your life;

The ones laboring to preserve their own life will fall into a pit by the very way they thought was life, but it is really leading them to destruction;

Abba's heart is known in Me; His testimony; where He has judged that He will provide you His life free from your works;

Those who are blinded to Abba's life continue in bondage, trying to preserve their life by their own hands which will lead to destruction;

For apart from Abba’s life, they will perish, and return to the ground;

Abba will not forsake or forget the barren: those who see that they do not possess the ability to give themselves His life and immortality in their flesh by their own works shall be satisfied seeing Your good pleasure to give it to them as a gift;

For Abba has answered them in Me; by freely giving them His life and judging the corrupt wisdom in the world to give themselves life by their own hand as the way unto death; Triumphing over that death and providing His life as a gift;

O that all may see Abba’s testimony to the life He has promised from the beginning in Me; and find trust in Him and His promise, where they will rest; ceasing from all their labor and from trusting in themselves.

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Revealing Abba  © 2023