O Abba, I inquired, why at
certain times does it seems like You hid Yourself?
As if You stood off and watched as Your children ran off and joined
themselves to Your enemy’s family; a union You could not endorse;
The ones trusting in themselves for life, will always lay burdens upon
men too hard to be carried; let their own corrupt thinking overtake
them so that it would be exposed and brought to nothing;
They boast in themselves and their logic to give themselves life. Abba,
You abhor this perverted wisdom and their union to it because You know
that it serves them with death;
Those trusting in themselves for life will never look to God for
anything nor will they call upon His name. For they do not see You as
Abba; so, their thoughts are as orphans who need to supply life for
That man’s ways are defiled and always grievous and he does not see
that You Abba have already judged that way will destroy him. But he
pants in arrogance at anyone contrary to him;
He has said pridefully in his heart that he will not change his mind
and that he will never find himself in adversity or death;
All the while his mouth is speaking of the lies and deceit in his heart
that are the very thing bringing him the death he is experiencing;
His tongue is full of the serpent’s venom, and this causes him to be
grieved with a labor for life that has no benefit;
He waits to secretly ambush and murder the innocent; he privately
desires to rule over those he sees as weak;
He tries to rule over them by drawing them into his way of thinking and
putting them under his heavy yoke;
He crouches like a lion waiting for its prey, deceitfully docile but
ever ready to sink his teeth into them;
He has said in his heart, God has forsaken me; believing that You Abba
have hid Your face from him, so he will not ever see it; when in
reality what You are forsaking is the way that will destroy him, and
his union to the thing that is bringing him death;
Your answer Abba is to exalt Me, Your right hand, to reveal You as Abba
so they can see that You will protect and defend all that they need for
life and they do not need to provide life for themselves;
Why then do they not take into account Your long suffering and
everlasting kindness toward them? But instead think all You really want
to do is repay them for their actions;
You have seen the folly they are believing and their grievousness
toward others and You respond with Me, Your right hand; For You Abba
are the helper of those who feel orphaned;
Let Us, Abba break the strong arm of the enemy, death;
Let Us plague death until it is no more. Your life and immortality in
Me will put an end to it once and for all;
Abba You will reign supreme forever, and that which brought death and
corruption to man and creation will perish;
Abba, You have heard the cry of those who see they cannot give
themselves life: Let Us give My testimony which will provide their
hearts with a confident expectation of Your life as a gift, whereby
they will cry Abba Father;
And will judge and declare that no man is orphaned in the earth;
separated from Your life but that You Abba have destroyed all that
oppresses them. |