Revealing Abba in Psalm 37
Remain in peace and be not disturbed, when you see those who trust in the wisdom of the world; neither be envious of their way when you see them prosper;

For their way will soon end in calamity; and all that is corrupt will wither away like grass;

Place your trust in Abba; for Abba has testified in Me that He will only be good to you; and dwell with you and feed you of His abundance;

In Abba, you will find great joy and delight; it is His good pleasure to give you His life and immortality in Me; which is the thing that your heart has always desired;

Follow Me and My way to Abba trusting in Him and His ability and not your own; and He will bring it to pass;

As certain as the sun rises; will He destroy your death and give you new life in Me; and He will put your innocence on display like the noonday sun;

Let your heart go to rest in Abba, to defend and preserve your life; rejoice that He is the One who will bring it to pass; and do not be disturbed when you see those trusting in the wisdom of the world prosper; be not angry with them;

Cease from anger; rather let them go off to have it their own way; for your anger will not produce trust toward Abba in their hearts;

But Abba will destroy the way that brings harm to all His beloved; cutting it off from the earth; for Abba’s heart’s desire is that they would trust in Him; having His life and immortality as their inheritance;

For in a little while the way that brought death in the earth will be no more; it will be brought to nothing;

But those who see they have no ability to save themselves from death and give themselves eternal life; but rather trust in Abba; will inherit the earth; finding their inheritance in Me seated at Abba’s right hand; and will have everlasting joy and peace forevermore;

Those filled with labors and hardships will persecute those whose hearts are resting in Abba for life; and they will gnash down with their teeth upon them;

Abba laughs at the enemy; knowing His wisdom will swallow it up; making foolish and bringing it to nothing;

Death has drawn out its sword against all Abba’s beloved. To destroy those who have no ability to give themselves life; even to slay Me, the righteous One;

It is death that will be swallowed up and the way of death brought to nothing;

Abba’s incorruptible life in Me; the One trusting in Abba to conquer death and all that seeks to destroy His beloved; cannot be compared to the fleeting and corruptible riches of the world that end in destruction;

The strong arm of death that reigned over Abba’s beloved will be broken in Me; Abba will defend and destroy all that was against His beloved; upholding them by strength of His hand;

Abba knows and defends His beloved in Me; their sure inheritance at His right hand; forevermore;

Those who trust in Abba will never be disappointed when adversity comes; for His incorruptible life will satisfy them that they lack no good thing;

But all death and corruption will perish; and all sin and death will be consumed with the breath of His life; into smoke they will consume away;

The way of the enemy is to kill, steal and destroy; but in Me; the righteous; is Abba’s everlasting kindness and incorruptible life revealed to all people as their inheritance;

For in Me; He has spoken well of all His beloved; that they shall inherit the earth; and has cut off the way that brought death in the earth;

Abba has appointed that the testimony of man be revealed in Me; and He delights in Me; the way unto life;

For though I be afflicted, He will never leave nor forsake Me; for He ever upholds Me: For though all sin and death come against Me; I will not be cast down but Abba will raise Me up immortal and seat Me at His right hand;

For in Me; the righteous; will they see that I was never forsaken; testifying to all people that Abba will never leave or forsake them; or ever leave them as orphans in the earth;

Abba has testified in Me, that He is gracious toward and will only ever be good to you; He has spoken well of you;

Giving you confidence to depart from trusting in yourself for life but only in Abba and His incorruptible life; in Me; at His right hand; forevermore;

For Abba delights in Me; His sure judgment that declares your innocence; He will never forsake those trusting in Him for life; but the way that brings death and harm to His beloved will He utterly cut off;

All those who trust that in Me; Abba has destroyed their death and given them His life; will dwell with Him in the same life and immortality they behold in Me; forever;

In Me has Abba spoken and revealed His wisdom; and has judged the innocence of all people;

In Me has the teaching and instruction of Abba unto life been revealed; and His heart for all people; My testimony declares a sure word that you can trust Abba to preserve your life; to order your steps; that you have an expected end and will not fall;

Though all sin and death seeks to slay Me; Abba will never leave Me or forsake Me; or allow Me to see corruption;

I trust in Abba; and His wisdom is revealed in Me; that He will exalt Me to glory and honor at His right hand, free from My ability; for all to behold how death is conquered in My resurrection;

I have seen the way that brought death increase in the earth like a tree spreading its branches; casting a shadow of death over all;

Yet it will be cut off at its root and come to nothing; and will not be found;

Consider Me; as your own testimony; whom Abba has testified of and declared blameless before Him in love; seeing My incorruptible life as your inheritance; completely whole and at peace; forevermore;

But all that stands contrary to that life will perish; and the way that brought death will come to an end;

Abba has testified in Me that He will protect and defend His beloved from death, and all that seeks to harm them; He will deliver them by Me; His right hand;

By the strength of Abba’s hand will His beloved be delivered; by beholding in Me that Abba can be trusted to save them from all death and corruption.

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