Revealing Abba in Psalm 36
The corrupt wisdom of death that caused men to feel orphaned in the earth; laboring and toiling to clothe themselves with life; says to Me; that they have no trust in their hearts toward You, Abba; to provide them with life;

For they trust in and love their own way; until it be revealed that their corrupt wisdom only leads to hate, envy and destruction;

The words of their mouth show forth the corrupt wisdom and deception dwelling in their hearts; even their mind and conscience have become defiled;

They bring sorrow upon themselves; laboring for life without benefit; and loving the very way that leads to destruction;

Let Us, Abba; show forth Your favor and everlasting kindness to all men; speaking unto them the word of truth; that is in Me seated in the heavens immortal;

My testimony declares that You have destroyed their death; and that Your way unto an incorruptible life reigns supreme far above any other;

In Me, You have judged the innocence of all men; declaring a sure word that You O Abba, are the One who will preserve their life;

How excellent is Your loving-kindness; O Abba; I declare Your name in all the earth, that the children of men would place their trust in You to preserve their life from the corruption in the world;

They will be completely satisfied with the life You will clothe them with; the same life they behold in Me; and from the abundance of Your love, joy and peace dwelling in their heart;

You will show them loving-kindness; and they will drink and be filled with Your pleasures forevermore;

For in Me; at your right hand; will they behold Your promise of the same life in them; In Me; the light of the world; will they behold and find the testimony of their life and their inheritance;

O Abba, Let Us declare Your loving-kindness in the earth so that all might know You; beholding in Me; that You are the One who saves them from destruction; and brings forth Your life and immortality in them;

When the corrupt wisdom of the world came to Me; I did not trust in My own strength and ability; Nor did the idea of trying to give Myself life have anything in Me;

In My testimony may all those laboring and toiling to preserve their lives, behold themselves; seeing how death and its corrupt wisdom have been overthrown and cast down never able to rise again.

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