My strength is in You and it shall be great joy to all the kingdoms of
the earth; for they shall rejoice seeing the salvation You have brought
them in Me;
You have given them the life that their hearts have always longed for;
in Me, You heard their cry and healed their broken hearts;
Abba, You have spoken a word in Me to all people regarding Your good
view and opinion of them; whereby You have blessed Your beloved with
the highest manor of speech; You have set Me, a crown of refined gold
upon their heads;
Let Us give them the life and immortality they desire; providing a sure
testimony of it, by seating Me in glorified human flesh and bone at
your right hand; forevermore;
Abba’s good view and opinion of man is testified of in Me, in Him
saving Me from death and raising Me up to everlasting life in an
immortal human body, at His right hand;
Abba, the same honor and glory You have given Me; is also their
For You blessed My name above every name; filling Me with joy; desiring
that they also might behold Me and see in themselves in My face, the
same glory by Your Spirit;
For in Me and My sure testimony, all the people of the earth can behold
how You have persuaded My heart of Your loving-kindness and goodness
toward Me, Whereby I placed My trust solely in You, the good shepherd
and bishop of My life, to preserve My life from corruption, saving Me
from death and raising Me to Your life and immortality; forever;
In Me, Your right hand, have You destroyed the enemy, death; and all
that sought to hurt Your beloved;
The breath of Your Spirit will bring an end to all that is contrary to
Your wisdom and against Your beloved; Your incorruptible life will
utterly swallow up all that is corruptible;
You will take an ax to the root of the tree bearing the fruit of death
and destroy that seed from ever again hurting the children of men;
The enemy has intended to bring hardships against Your beloved, too
hard to bear, which they were never designed to face;
Therefore, in Me Abba, have You stood in the face of the enemy, death,
for them; You have answered the accusation by making foolish that
corrupted wisdom; the breath of Your Spirit and life will consume it;
destroying its power over Your beloved; forever;
You are exalted Abba, in Me; for it is by Your strength alone that I
was raised and seated at Your right hand: so that all who behold Me,
will sing praises unto You; seeing the hope and certainty in Your
ability to bring forth the promise of the same life and immortality to
their mortal bodies.