Revealing Abba in Psalm 19
Heaven speaks of Your majesty Abba; and all creation declares Your good opinion of the ones You made to inhabit and inherit it;

Every single day, the wisdom and loving-kindness of You Abba can be seen in creation;

It speaks a word that is universally understood; and there is not anywhere it cannot be heard;

So also, Your Word goes forth throughout the entire earth; and just as the sun rises from darkness, Abba has set Me, His dwelling, the light to the world;

Shining as a bridegroom coming forth, adorned for his bride, He rejoices and eagerly runs after her, His beloved;

As the sun shines in the earth so His light and His life also go forth to the ends of the world; and nothing can be hidden from their influence;

For the teaching and instruction of Abba unto life is perfectly revealed in Me in immortal flesh; converting the soul: and providing sure testimony of the life Abba has prepared for us all; and making wise the simple;

Causing those who see they have no ability to give themselves life to trust in Him and His wisdom for life; His testimony reveals the way unto life and is what pleases Abba; and makes the heart rejoice in hope; He is pure, the Word of life that was from the beginning, persuading the heart of man in the way unto life;

The wisdom and instruction of Abba unto life is pure: It declares His justice to destroy death and all that seeks to harm His beloved and give them His life and immortality in their flesh;

Your wisdom and teaching unto life is more desirable than the most refined gold: Sweeter than honey from a honeycomb;

Moreover, in Me, Abba, You have declared Your righteous judgment: and put on display Your incorruptible life; You are our great reward;

Who can discern that which brings death and that which brings life apart from in Me, Abba’s teaching and instruction of life?

Let Us persuade Your beloved of Your life Abba;

So that they cease from trusting in themselves; that the fear of death would no longer reign over them: Only then will they see in their hearts that they are as they ought to be, and innocent before You in love;
Let them behold My testimony as the sure word You have spoken about them in My resurrection; persuading their hearts of Your life; which is the thing You desire Abba and the thing their hearts have always desired; O Abba, My strength, and My redeemer.

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