In Me, the Son, is God known as Abba: His name is great to all His beloved;
And also, in the city of our God has He brought peace, in Me His dwelling place on the holy mount;
There He broke the power of death; the bow and the fiery darts of the
enemy; breaking their strength and might, disarming the enemy’s weapons
of warfare;
You O Abba have shined Your light and Your life in Me; Your glory is most excellent, overcoming the enemy;
Whose might was plundered and has sunk into a dead sleep with no more strength left in his hands;
At Your rebuke O Abba, both the chariot and the horse of the enemy are swallowed up in the deep;
In You Abba, do I behold Your works in amazement; for no enemy can
stand against Your judgment when Your anger is kindled against it;
You have caused the dead to hear Your voice and Your judgment from heaven, and the earth stood still in awe;
When You raised Me up in judgment; saving all those who saw they had no strength to give themselves life but looked to You Abba;
Surely, the passion of a man for life will find rest and thanksgiving
in You, and in every memory of that passion will he find his strength
in You Abba;
With joy and thanksgiving have I called upon Your name Abba; let all
that see the work You have done in Me to give them blessing and life as
a gift; call upon Your name in perfect praise; standing in awe of Your
great love for them Abba;
For You have cast out the prince of this world; and have spoiled the death which was against us; restoring the way unto life. |