Abba, You are My God; You are My desire day by day. My flesh longs to
drink of Your incorruptible life in a dry land filled with death and
To see Your power and Your glory revealed in Me; inside of human flesh; with the glory I had with You before the world;
For Your loving-kindness is far above the life and the suffering of
this present world; My lips continually speak well of You Abba;
In declaring Your name Abba and speaking of Your eternal life; will I
magnify the strength of Your hand and Your name, forevermore;
My soul is only satisfied with the incorruptible word of Your life
Abba; it nourishes and strengthens Me and all those who see it declared
in Me; with overflowing joy do I only speak Your heart from My lips;
When I remember You and Your promise to give Me Your life; My heart is fully persuaded day and night;
Because, You are My helper and My deliverer; by strength of Your hand
will I be delivered from death and corruption and will I rejoice;
My life is in You Abba and You in Me; at Your right hand do You hold Me forevermore;
But the enemy who seeks to destroy My life; will perish; and those who
reject Your life Abba, will bring destruction upon themselves by the
very sword that they wield, being devoured by the iniquity in their
But I do rejoice, trusting You Abba with My life; speaking an eternal
word to all people; that You will reveal in them, the same glory they
see in Me, being raised up from the dead and seated at Your right hand
in glorified human flesh and bone; triumphing over death and putting an
end to the lies that it brought. |