Revealing Abba in Psalm 6
Abba You will not reprove Me in anger neither correct Me in displeasure;

But in Your passion for life Abba, You gently influence My heart of Your loving-kindness in the midst of My weakness, You heal Me from death’s sting; for I am greatly disturbed to the very core of My being;

My soul is extremely dismayed; So, I ask You Abba, How long?

I await Your deliverance Abba. Save Me in Your everlasting kindness toward Me;
For though death is all around Me; I know that Your loving-kindness is not declared in death. Nor Your faithfulness in destruction;

Abba, I am weary of crying and My tears soak My bed each night;

My eyes are filled with sadness from grief and in My distress, I cry “Abba”!

And all that seeks to destroy Me departs; Abba, Your joy floods Me and sorrow leaves. For You Abba have heard My cry and seen My tears;

You Abba have heard Me in My distress and have influenced My heart of Your passionate desire and delight to always save Me from what seeks to destroy Me;

Abba, You have put all that seeks to destroy Mine and all Your beloved’s life to open shame and bring sudden destruction upon the enemy, death, in raising Me from the grave in immortal flesh.

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