Revealing Abba in Psalm 52
Why do you trust in and boast in the strength of your own hand to save you from death; O mighty man? It is Abba who will preserve and protect your life; His everlasting kindness endures forever;

Your tongue spews perverse things; from the corrupt wisdom that has pierced your heart; working deceit that leads to destruction;

You love the life you can serve yourself more than the goodness of Abba and His ability to save you from death and serve you with His life;

You love the way unto death; O you perverted wisdom;  

Abba will destroy you forever; plucking you up by the roots from your dwelling; dying away the death you have brought upon His beloved in the earth;

Those who see how in Me Abba has destroyed death and given His life will stand in awe and rejoice;
Behold also how the man who made not God his strength but trusted in the fruit he could produce and accumulate by his own hands; has only death reigning over him; how trying to strengthen himself led to his own destruction;

Behold I am your inheritance; His anointed; seated at Abba’s right hand; as a man in the beauty and immortality which Abba has promised from the beginning; Behold, I trust in the mercy and everlasting kindness of Abba forever and ever;

My testimony will forever speak a word of what Abba has done; to deliver Me from death; and how I harkened diligently to and trusted in His promise, for all those partaking of His life to behold and rest in Abba’s promise of the same incorruptible life in them.

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