Revealing Abba in Psalm 48
Abba is great and the glory of His light shines in Me; the city of God; the place prepared and set apart for Him to dwell.

Beautiful is the height of that city and what delight Abba has in seating Me at his right hand; I am His joy and the joy of the whole earth; the dwelling place of the great King.

Abba has testified to the hearts of His beloved in Me; that He has always desired to come and seat them on high at His right hand;
For all the kings of the world and its wisdom were assembled against Me; they passed by together.

They saw the brightness of My rising and they marveled; and they were troubled and distressed in heart and they took flight seeing their inability to give themselves life;

Fear took hold of them; distress and pain in their hearts as a woman in labor;

Behold Abba has broken the power of death and brought life and immortality to light in Me;

You have heard, and have seen the testimony of Abba in Me; that by seating Me in a glorified human body at His right hand; He has revealed that He has always desired to join Himself to you and seat you; His beloved; at His right hand;

Abba has established; and has declared His desire in Me; to come and join Himself in perfect union to you; His dwelling place forever;

The loving-kindness of Abba that was revealed in Me has come to dwell in the hearts of His beloved; His holy temple;

According to Your name; O Abba; does Your light shine to the ends of the earth; in Me; Your right hand; that destroyed sin and death and all that sought to harm Your beloved.

Let all people and all nations rejoice; and Your sons and daughters be glad because of Your righteous judgments; to declare their innocence and bring to nothing that which could harm them.

Behold how in Me; Abba has spoken a word about the beauty He sees in you; declaring the glorious good opinion He has of you;

Remember how He has destroyed sin and death; and seated you at His right hand; as a co-heir and co-sharer of His life forever; declaring an eternal word to all people and generations;
For this God is our Abba forever and ever; He has testified in Me that He has conquered death and given His life and immortality as an inheritance.

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