Revealing Abba in Psalm 46
Abba is My refuge, My strength and My hope; My help and comfort from all calamity and affliction;

Therefore, I will not fear, though the world presses in on Me and all the things that are seen are shaken, and carried away to deep waters;

Though the waters rage and trouble surround Me; I am fully persuaded;

Abba is a river of life; and the streams of that river fill Me; the city of God; with joy and gladness; Abba’s life and peace flood Me; the tabernacle of the most high;

Abba is always with Me and in Me; I will not be moved: He is constantly persuading My heart of His everlasting kindness toward Me; and all His beloved;

The enemy roars and the kingdoms are shaken; trying to speak a word of lack to Me and to all Abba’s beloved; Abba has spoken an eternal word in Me; the sound of Abba’s voice spoken in Me; destroys and dissolves the enemy in the earth;

For Abba has testified in Me; that He is with us; He is the Lord strong and mighty, testifying that the same life and immortality you behold in Me will also be revealed in you; your refuge and inheritance;

Come; behold in Me the works of Abba; how in Me; He destroyed all sin and death and that which sought to harm His beloved;

Abba’s yoke is easy. He has ended the corrupt wisdom in the earth that caused men to struggle to give themselves life; by disarming and removing the sting of death; the life and immortality they behold in Me, overcomes and consumes it;

Stand still in awe and know that the word that Abba has spoken in Me; is a sure and eternal word about you; that word is far above all that is in the world, swallowing up any corrupt wisdom; bringing it to nothing;

For Abba has testified in Me; that He is with us; He is the Lord strong and mighty, testifying that the same life and immortality you behold in Me will also be revealed in you; your refuge and inheritance.

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