Revealing Abba in Psalm 31
In You, O Abba, do I trust My life; In You, I will never be ashamed: deliver Me Abba; declaring Your justice for all people in Me; saving Me from death and seating Me at Your right hand;

You incline Your ear attentively toward Me; deliver Me quickly from My enemy: You are My sure foundation, an immovable house in which You protect and defend My life;

For You are My rock; a mighty fortress; I declare Your name in all the earth; lead Me in the way that causes My heart to go to rest in You, and Your life, Abba;

Save Me from out of the trap they have secretly set for Me; Save Me by strength of Your hand Abba, and not My own strength and ability.

Into Your hands I commit My life; You have redeemed Me, O Abba; My God who is always speaking a word of certainty persuading My heart in the truth that You are the One who protects and defends My life;
I have abhorred the lies that caused death to reign over man; and I trust only in Your truth and promise of life that has been from the beginning; Abba;

I am filled with gladness and rejoice in Your grace and loving-kindness toward Me and all Your beloved; You always see Me and are ever with Me; defending and protecting My life in the midst of trouble;

And You have not allowed the enemy to shut Me in without escape; but in the midst of all death and darkness, You set My heart at rest; free from anxiety and distress;

Have favor upon Me in My distress: for My heart is consumed with sorrow felt in the depths of My belly;

My breath is spent; feeling the full weight of their grief and iniquity in My body; I have no more strength and My bones are wasting away;

I am despised by all who surround Me; even My neighbors say, “He has been cursed and rejected of God;” and fear has gripped even those who know Me; and they have fled from Me;

They have forgotten and left Me for dead; My body is bloody and broken;

I have heard the slander and insults of many; they surround Me; devising ways to inflict terror and how they may take My life;

But I trust in You, O Abba; I have declared You are My God and the shepherd of My life;

My life is in Your hands: deliver Me from the hand of My enemy; death; and from all that seeks to harm Me;

Let Your countenance shine upon Me; Your Holy One; influencing My heart of Your salvation; for the sake of Your everlasting kindness;

Let Me not be ashamed; O Abba; for I called upon You and You heard Me; Let the enemy be put to shame; and the grave lose its sting;

Let the lies of the enemy be silenced; and also the voice that says "he saved others, let him save himself" tempting Me to use My own ability and showing disdain against My trust in You, Abba; to destroy death and bring an end to all which harms Me and Your beloved;

How great is Your goodness and everlasting kindness toward those who take refuge in You, Abba; trusting You with their life; which You testified of in Me, before all the sons of men;

In You, Abba; they find incorruptible life that keeps their hearts safe from laboring to have life by their own ability; free from the doctrine which brings hardships upon men too hard to bear;

Blessed be Abba forevermore: for He has shown forth His everlasting kindness in Me; a shining city on a hill that cannot be hid;

When death rushed upon Me, it tried to tell Me, that I lacked life and that I was alone and hidden from Your sight; but You heard My voice when I cried out in My distress; and rescued Me;

All those who taste and see His incorruptible life in Me, will find the love of Abba born in their hearts;

For Abba knows how to defend and protect the hearts of those who He has fully persuaded by Me; that He is the one who will provide them life free from their works; and the proud, who boast in their own ability will experience the emptiness which it rewards them;

Be of good cheer My beloved; for He has conquered the death and corruption that is in the world, in Me; and Abba strengthens Your hearts with the sure hope of the same glory You behold in Me; to be revealed in you.

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