is the Lord; My shepherd; in Him there is no lack.
I am the good shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep; Abba has
appointed Me the shepherd of His pasture;
He has made them to sit in the same place where Abba has sat Me, in His
dwelling place; where the food is pleasant, and the meat is tender; I
will lead them where they can find rest and drink from the pure water
of His love and grace.
Abba it is You who will protect and defend My life; saving Me from
death and all that would destroy Me, Your promise is sure and shepherds
My life in the way unto Your incorruptible life, for You have called Me
by Your name.
Yes, even now when all death and darkness in the world press in on Me;
I find no thought of saving Myself; for Your Spirit always comforts Me
with the truth of the incorruptible life You have promised.
You, Abba have prepared a table; a feast of incorruptible food, from
where You serve Me all the fruit of Your life, right in the midst of My
enemy; death.
You have anointed Me with the oil of gladness; where I find I have
overflowing joy above all My fellows.
You have fully persuaded My heart Abba, that surely Your goodness and
loving-kindness will pursue Me all the days of My life: And I will
dwell in You and You in Me; in glorified human flesh; forever.