Abba, who will abide in You and
You in Him? Who will make a way for all to enter into Your holiest
place and eat of the tree of life?
It is Me, in whom all Your fullness dwells bodily, in whom You will
bring an end to death and all that seeks to destroy Your beloved,
declaring You as Abba; And testifying to the truth that was from the
I shall speak no deceit but only the truth from Your heart Abba; never
placing hardships on men too hard to bear but rather declaring Your
good view and opinion of them and desire to give them Your life;
I abhor all that seeks to ruin and put men in bondage, but testify to
them how Abba can be trusted to destroy their death and keep His
promise that was from the beginning to give them His incorruptible life;
In Me, Abba has abundantly acquitted the accused and will not condemn
the innocent but serves them with His life. He that trusts in Him shall
never be ashamed but shall abide with Him forever.