Revealing Abba in Psalm 1
Blessed is the man who sees in Me; how on bended knee Abba has adored and blessed him with the life He promised him from the beginning; He persuades My heart, and His council keeps Me from all the ways contrary to His life that could injure Me; and the voice of the stranger I will not follow;

I am overjoyed when I think about Abba’s teaching and instruction of life; it captivates My heart and mind constantly;

The sure foundation of Abba’s life has set My heart at rest and planted Me like a tree that has a never-ending flow of food and water, feeding and clothing Me with all the fruit of Abba’s life, Abba’s life never sees corruption but is ever in Me advancing and prospering Me in all things;

The ones who refuse to partake in Abba’s life for free but rather labor and toil to establish their own life do not even see how death animates their life;

Their blindness does not allow them to stand with those who see how Abba has come to give them His life for free; destroying death and all that seeks to harm them;

Abba knows how to clothe His children with His life and immortality, but those who refuse to be persuaded of the life Abba has given them free from their works will perish.

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